arranging routine中文什么意思

发音:   用"arranging routine"造句
  • arrange:    vt. 1.整理,整顿;布置。 2. ...
  • routine:    n. 例行公事,日常工作;常规;惯例 ...
  • arranging:    安排
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  1. It is the time that they have to consider multiple decision making objectives , balance each aspect benefit and be confronted with international and inland assorted risks when highest class constitute strategic layout or countermeasure , medial class handle things of economic construction or produce management and lowest class arrange routine work , so which is to say that system and comprehensive concept must be brought hi our decision making , wherefore research into multiple objectives decision making under risk possess full realistic meaning


  1. arranging carriage order 什么意思
  2. arranging for cargo insurance 什么意思
  3. arranging for their certification 什么意思
  4. arranging for warehouse storage 什么意思
  5. arranging of beauty contests 什么意思
  6. arrangingameeting 什么意思
  7. arrangment 什么意思
  8. arranguiz 什么意思
  9. arranha 什么意思
  10. arranhado 什么意思


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